A Brief Catch-Up

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these posts. I’m sure it’s no surprise that this year has been an obviously weird one.

Anyway, if you don’t know me personally then you might not know that I have a practical job. I work my full-time hours and I work hard while I’m there. In my spare time I try to be as creative as possible.

Both of these things can be affected by whatever is going on in my personal life at the time.  Sometimes my anxiety tries to get the best of me and sometimes practical stuff happens that affects the creative things that I enjoy. Sometimes I have to remind myself that being a creative person who has a practical job is OK.

So, what have I been up to creatively in the past few months?

I helped in the set up of Cornerstone Arts and spent some time volunteering on the opening weekend of the new art’s centre. It’s been such an exciting project to be part of and having a new art’s centre, even in these uncertain times, has proved to be a really positive venture for people who are creative and the area in general. There are so many things going on at Cornerstone Arts right now and we’re excited about the plans for the future as well.

I’ve also been writing more poetry and I’m toying with the idea of of seriously building up a couple of collections based on some particular themes. I don’t know if it’s just because I just want to try it or if it’s because I’m looking for a different way of telling stories but, some idle ideas are really starting to come together and I’d like to have fun with that while I can. National Novel Writing month is also coming up in November so, although I don’t have any solid plans for it yet I’d like to work on something that’s going to make me feel positive. We’ll wait and see how it goes when it begins.

Thanks to a friend who knows me so well (she’s awesome) I got a new cross stitch kit for my birthday to work on. I find it’s a great craft for when I’m chilling out and relaxing in front of the tv. This weekend I made myself a small needle case which turned out to be pretty and practical. It was a fun craft to try out and now I have somewhere to put my dozens of cross stitch needles. Ending up with tons of them comes with the territory when you buy cross stitch kits.

Something I am super excited about though is my other craft-related birthday gift. I got a basic pyrography kit. This is a craft that I’ve been interested in for a while and I’m really looking forward to trying it out. I have no idea if I’ll be any good at it but, it’s definitely something different and I love trying out new crafts when I get the chance.

So, whether you’re stitching/drawing/sculpting/writing or trying out art in any shape or form, keep going.

One thought on “A Brief Catch-Up

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  1. I’ve just gotten started on drawing, and am often clueless as to where to start or to go. But your final sentence was a great reminder that I should just keep on going. Thanks for this!


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